Actually, tec, I think asking someone who claims to have God speak through them, "what makes you so special that God speaks to you?" is a perfectly fair question and is in fact, the first and only question worth asking, even before, "what did he say?"
Because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It makes no logical sense to me that God would create 7 billion people, and then only speak directly to a few of them, giving them instructions to pass on to the rest of them. I wouldn't think much of a parent, who had 7 children and then only favored one of them by speaking directly to them and only spoke to the others by means of that one child, even when life and death matters were at stake.
I would consider that very bad parenting, neglectful and even somewhat emotionally abusive.
I also can't help noticing that when God does supposedly choose one person to so favor with his communications, it rarely benefits anyone else except the one so favored, by putting them in a position of power and influence over others. In all the cases I've read about, it is self-serving, to the person claiming the communication in some way.
I have yet to hear any type of logical reason as to why God would speak to one of his creation and ignore millions of others, that doesn't make the chosen one more superior in some way.
The reason that Shelby is getting the responses she is getting from so many is because she is coming across as very superior, condescending and judgemental, in spite of all her protests otherwise. Her claims of humility come across as fake as the WTBTS's do. She also changes her words and meanings constantly when she provides her lengthy explanations. She also gets new light at a rate that would make the governing body's collective head spin. Same old leopard, just different spots.
I would think if God were really speaking to her, he would be much more consistent and be much more logical than OTWO and NVL. Otherwise, I would have no more reason to listen to him/her than I would them, would I?